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MA: 2010, Central Michigan University
BAA: 2002, Central Michigan University

Service Responsibilities
Advisor, Alliance for Women in Media at CMU

​​​​​ Courses Taught
• Intro to Write/Electronic Media
• Elect ronic Media Performance
• Critiquing Mass M edia

Research Interests
• Pop Culture
• Media Criticism
• News
•Public Relations
• Promotional Writing


Sarah Adams is an award-winning producer with over 10 years professional broadcast experience. She served as a staff television producer for WCMU, developing programming on various topics, including Michigan history, Native American culture, conservation and the arts. Her duties included extensive research, script-writing, interviewing, and managing student reporters. She simultaneously hosted multiple Public Broadcasting specials and on-air fundraisers and also served as an executive producer and reporter for a news magazine. Adams also oversaw all WCMU programming promotion and outreach activities. She joined CMU's School of Broadcast and Cinematic Arts as a faculty member in 2013 and enjoys working with the department's talented and hard-working students.

Ed.D: Northern Illinois University
MA: Northern Illinois University
MS: University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
BA: Loras College

Service Responsibilties
Integrative Public Relations Major Advisor


Courses Taught
• Electronic Media Promotion
• Electronic Media Copywriting

Research Interests
• Audio Drama Writing, Production, and Promotion
• Media Selection and Consumption


Disarmingly charismatic and charming, Dr. Anderson came to Central in 2002 to help facilitate CMU's rapidly expanding 250-major Integrated Public Relations program. Other notables: Six years experience teaching media writing and television performance at Northern Illinois University. Professional experiences include working as a copywriter, and television listings coordinator for the promotions department of Wisconsin Public Television.

Selected Scholarship

The Holiday Spirit Seasonal comedy script. Performed live in December 2019 by the Radio Theatre Project in Saint Petersburg, FL, and Central Michigan University student station WMHW-FM

Ask Answergirl Series creator, executive producer and pilot author of collaborative 11-episode detective serial. Episodes broadcast November 2019 on WCBE-FM in Columbus, OH. and October 2019 on WMHW-FM. Series available online at

Lost Dog Suspenseful script performed in front of a live audience by Lansing, MI audio drama troupe Audio Air Force as part of their 2019 Halloween-themed show.

What the Cat Dragged In Suspenseful/horror script performed live October 2019 on CMU''s WMHW-FM for World Audio Drama Day/Halloween special.

Four Bros in a Deer Camp Comedic horror script performed live October 2019 on WMHW-FM for 2019 World Audio Drama Day/Halloween special.

Voices of the Past Series of historical vignettes written and performed by CMU Honors Students at the Beaver Island Community Center May 2019 and broadcast on WVBI-FM. and WMHW-FM.

And Now a Word From Our Sponsor Series of three fictional 1940s commercials produced by Hercules Radio Players and aired November 2018 on New Orleans station WAMF-FM.

Discover Beaver Island Series of historical vignettes produced May 2018 by CMU Honors students. Broadcast on WVBI-FM and distributed for podcast and Beaver Island promotional use as well as QR distribution research. Rebroadcast August 2018 on CMU radio station WMHW-FM.

MA: 1976, Central Michigan University
BS: 1974, Central Michigan University
​​​ Courses Taught
• Understanding Media Management
• Understanding New Communication Tech

Research Interests

• New media technology & its application


Kevin has more than 40 years' experience in multiple facets of media management, communications coaching, crisis communications, community relations, video production, online learning, media technology and media systems design. Previously, he was with Dow Corning Corporation for 34 years where he held several communications positions. In addition to holding both B.S. and M.A. degrees from Central Michigan University, he is one of less than 100 accredited media managers in the U.S. As a member of the Communications Media Management Association he serves as a member of the accreditation board and is also Six Sigma Green Belt Certified.

Ph.D: 1997, Bowling Green State University
MA: 1990, Western Kentucky University
BA: 1988, Western Kentucky University
​​​ Courses Taught:

• History & Appreciation Cinema

• Screenwriting for Cinematic Narrative

• History & Analysis of Non-Fiction Film

Research Interests

• Screenwriting

 Documentary film


Born and raised in Louisville, KY, Dr. Corbett worked professionally as a video producer/director before pursuing his doctorate. He held teaching positions in Nebraska and Indiana before coming to CMU in 1998.

Selected Scholarship

"Beyond Po-Mo: the "Auto-fiction" Documentary" – Journal of Popular Film and Television (March 2016)

"Gleaners and Waste" the 'Post-Issue/Advocacy Documentary" – Journal of Popular Film and Television, 41:3, 2013

"Cooper's Passage" screenplay, Best of Festival, BEA Festival of Media Arts    Faculty Scriptwriting Competition, 2014; 2nd-Round Script, Austin Film festival Screenwriting Competition, 2014

"Fetching Nola" screenplay, Award of Excellence, BEA Festival of Media Arts Faculty Scriptwriting Competition, 2010, 2nd Round Script, Austin Film Festival, 2009


PhD: 2018, University of Vienna

MA: 2014, University of Texas at Austin

BA: 2010, University of Nevada Reno

Personal Website
Courses Taught

• Multiplatform Media Production

• Quantitative Research Methods

Research Interests
Political Communication
Journalism Studies
Emerging Media Practices


Trevor Diehl is an Assistant Professor at BCA specializing in emerging technologies and political behavior. His research interests include the role of social media in politics, multi-platform news consumption, and comparative media studies. His current work employs automated content analysis to examine engagement with the news on social media. A second topic in this area looks at the success of the populist radical right in Europe and the US. Trevor teaches courses in online content production and communication research methods.

Before coming to BCA, Trevor was a researcher at the Media Innovation Lab at the University of Vienna in Austria, where he completed his PhD. He studied civic participation in the state of Texas at the Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life while earning an M.A. from UT Austin's School of Journalism. Before life in academia, Trevor worked as a copywriter, a production assistant, and a German automotive technician.

Recent Scholarship

Diehl, T., Huber, B., Gil de Zuñiga, H, & Liu, J. (2019). Social Media and Beliefs about Climate Change: A Cross-National Analysis of News Use, Political Ideology, and Trust in Science. International Journal of Public Opinion Research,

Diehl, T., Vonbun-Feldbauer, R., & Barnidge, M. (2019). Tabloid News, Anti-immigration Attitudes and Support for Right-Wing Populist Parties. Communication and the Public,

Diehl, T., Ardèvol-Abreu, A., & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2019). How Engagement with Journalists on Twitter Reduces Public Perceptions of Media Bias. Journalism Practice, 13(8), 971-975.

Diehl, T., Barnidge, M., & Gil de Zuñiga, H. (2018). Multi-Platform News Use and Political Participation across Age Groups: Toward a Valid Metric of Platform Diversity and its Effects. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 96(2), 428-451.

Diehl, T., Weeks, B. E., & Gil de Zuniga, H. (2016). Political persuasion on social media: Tracing direct and indirect effects of news use and social interaction.New Media & Society,18(9), 1875-1895.


MFA: 2013, University of Montana

BFA: 2008, Colorado Mesa University

Personal Website

Service Responsibilties
Departmental Curriculum
Advising, majors

Courses Taught

• Intro Video Production

• Cinematography

Research Interests
Narrative Short Film & Feature Film
Experimental Film
Screenplay Writing
Production Design
Art Direction
Mixed Media
• Animation
Stop-Motion & Motion Design
Visual Design


Katie creates visual imagery related to time and ownership. She uses charcoal, ink, film and words to create stories; light and narrative trajectory through digital delivery. Katie's films have premiered at Sun Valley and New Orleans. Her work explores memory, texture, place, family, destruction and reemergence. Native to the Western United States, Katherine watches human and place interactions: the rapid rise and fall of resource collection, the replacement and the slow, grudging contracts between humans and wide-open, wild spaces. Her images frequently reflect the desire to stake out a claim of one's own, through artificial light, heavy industry and fences. Katie's work reflects questions between ownership and stewardship, poverty and profit, a rift between respect and fear, iron and sand, colossal failure and divergent definitions of success.

Recent Scholarship

Faculty Show, Tennessee Tech University, Appalachian Center for Craft, Tennessee, 2019

 Film Premiere, Lexington, Kentucky, 2018 Screening Premiere, Telluride, Colorado, 2017

Screening Premiere, Paonia, Colorado, 2016

Solo Show, Center for the Arts, Crested Butte Colorado, 2015

Worldwide Film Premiere, Sun Valley Film Festival, Idaho, 2014

New Orleans Film Festival, Louisiana, 2014

Regional Film Premiere, Colorado Mesa University, Grand Junction, Colorado, 2013

University of Montana Media Arts Showcase, Missoula, Montana, 2013

Doomsday Preppers, National Geographic/ Sharp Entertainment, 1st AC, Bozeman, Montana/ NYC, 2012

MFA: 2000, Savannah College of Arts & Design
BS: 1997, Wingate University

Service Responsibilties
Video Unit Head
MHTV Co-Advisor
Academic Senate
Faculty Research & Creative Endeavors

Personal Website

Courses Taught

• Intro Video Production

• Practicum in Electronic Media

• Adv E lectronic Cinematography

• Adv Video/Multimedia Post-Prod

• Industrial & Educ Video/Media

Research Interests
Post Production
After Effects
Good Design
Sound design
• ​ Improvisational music
Concert Photography


Eric's professional career started at The Home Shopping Network working on set as well as in Master Control. In 2002, he moved to Michigan where he landed at Forest Post Productions. He served in the editorial department working with such clients as Ford, FOX Sports, KFC and Quicken Loans. He was also the lead creative editor on the children's series "Noodlebug".  In 2008, Eric was appointed the Sr. Avid Editor position at the J. Walter Thompson Advertising Agency for Team-Detroit where he worked on national campaigns as well as created daily elements for Ford's web presence. Currently he is pursing his own art mixing media of original music, motion graphics and abstract video.

Recent Scholarship

Broadcast Education Association Convention 2015, "Can teaching video production online be effective?" , Las Vegas, NV (April 2015)

Analogous - short film - Official selection of the 40th Boston Sci-Fi Film Festival (2015)

MA: Central Michigan University
BA: Colorado State University

Research Interests

• Gender issues in sports broadcasting

• Mass media effects on young girls & tweens

• Changes in local & network news operations

• Usage of news media

​​ Courses Taught:

• Electronic Media Newswriting

• Sports Broadcasting

• Survey of the Mass Media

• Advanced Audio & Video Performance

• Electronic News Reporting


In her early career Maggie worked as a producer at WJRT - TV in Flint and as a news director and morning show co-host at WIXC Radio in Bay City. She also managed a community PEG television station, Bay3TV. ​Most recently, she has been teaching the journalism sequence at Lakeland Community College and has served as the advisor for the college newspaper. She has been an active member of the Broadcast Education Association for many years, attending conferences and has served as a panel participant.

Selected Scholarship

Selected to participate in the 2016 IRTS Faculty Seminar, MEDIA INSIDERS 2016: TODAY'S OPPORTUNITIES & TOMORROW'S CHALLENGES

Ph.D: 2006, Michigan State University
MA: 1997, University of Wyoming
BSC: 1991, Ohio University
​​​ Courses Taught

• Field Audio Production

• Quantitative Mass Comm Rsch Mtds

• Seminar in Telecom Media Policy

• Multimedia Audio Post Production

Research Interests
Media business, economics, & policy


Before pursuing academia, I worked as an audio engineer at SoundTrax Recording Studios in Raleigh, North Carolina. After the studio hit some hard economic times, I left to pursue my master degree researching the economic realities of the media business and further pursued media economics and policy in doctoral education. I have produced a radio program for CMU Public Radio but put most of my research efforts in studying media business, economics and policy.

Selected Scholarship

Sindik, A., & Polinsky, H. (2018). Federal Communications Commission reverse incentive spectrum auction: Outcomes and impact on the broadcast industry. Submitted toJournal of Broadcast and Electronic Media.

Polinsky, H., & Sindik, A., (2018). "Predicting illegal and legal media consumption behavior: A new approach to media piracy research" Paper presented at the Broadcast Education Association convention.

Williamson, P. A., Stohlman, T. A., Polinsky, H. E. (2017). Me, my "selfie" and I: A survey of self-disclosure motivations on social media.The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Journal of Cultural Studies, 2(2), 71-85.

Sykes Jr, W. R., Polinsky, H. E. (2015). An investigation of social media use in student news operations.Journal of Media Education, 6(1), 5-14.

2013 Communicator Award of Distinction in Audio for the "Michigan Soapbox," a public affairs program on CMU Public Radio.

Ph.D: 2012: University of Georgia
MA: 2007, Arizona State University
BA: 2003, University of Washington

Service Responsibilities
BCA Curriculum Coordinator

Academic Advising
Electronic Media Sales Minor

​​​ Courses Taught

• Electronic Media Law

Telecommunications Policy

• Media Entrepreneurship

Research Interests
• Media entrepreneurship
• Broadcase & Telecommunications Policy Formation & Lobbying


Amy Sindik is an Associate Professor at Central Michigan University, where she teaches the Media Law, Media Entrepreneurship and Telecommunication Policy courses. .  Her primary research areas include the lobbying activities of the broadcast and wireless industries, with a specific focus on spectrum allocation, and the impact spectrum policy decisions have on the broadcast and wireless industries, as well as media entrepreneurship ecosystem research.Her research has been published in top telecommunications and media management journals and she has made numerous presentations and national and international conferences. She has been a 2015 Scripps Howard Journalism Entrepreneurship Faculty Fellow and a 2013 Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation Faculty Fellow.

Selected Scholarship

Sindik, A., & Graybeal, G. (2017). Media Entrepreneurship Programs: Emerging Isomorphic Patterns. International Journal on Media Management 19(1).

Sindik, A. & Polinsky, H. (2016).  "The reverse incentive spectrum auction: Broadcasters' perspectives and policy considerations."  Paper to be presented at the World Media Economics and Management Conference, New York City.

Sindik, A. (2015).  Attempting to reduce uncertainty: Lobbying in a competitive communications environment.  Journal of Media Business Studies, 12(2), 121-137.

Sindik, A. (2014).  Standing out in the crowd: How unique are the lobbying patterns of the broadcast and wireless industries?  Telecommunications Policy, 38, 1024-1034.

Ed.D: 2011, Central Michigan University
MA: 2003, Central Michigan University
BAA: 2001, Central Michigan University

Service Responsibilites
Assessment Coordinator

Personal Website

​​​ Courses Taught

• Qualitative Mass Comm Rsch Mthds

• Senior Capstone Seminar

Intro to Graduate Electronic Media Research & Writing
• Electronic Media Career Preparation

Research Interests
• Curriculum & Assessment
• Rubrics
• Pedagogical Best Practices
• Television & Writing for Television
• Culture & Cultural Stereotyping


Double graduate of the School of BCA program with emphasis in media writing and performance. Worked with a custom cable manufacturer in Florida whose biggest client was Nielsen Media Research. Rumored to be a former club disc jockey in Florida.

Selected Scholarship

Stohlman, T. A. The Road to Redemption: Reclaiming the Value in Assessment Retention Exams. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 15(5), 64-71.; Stohlman, T. A. (2010). Combining gender, discipline, and identity in the broadcast classroom: Strategies for inclusion. Journal of Media Education, 1(2).

Ph.D: 2007, Michigan State University
MA: 1999, Central Michigan University
BAA: 1992, Central Michigan University
Service Responsibilities
BCA Graduate Coordinator
​​​ Courses Taught

• Film Genre/Film Directors

• Electronic Media Criticism

• Mass Media Theory

• History & Appreciation of Cinema

Research Interests

Representations of gender, race & sexuality in media

• Media censorship
• MPAA film ratings
• Reality television
• Social media


Patty Williamson grew up in Canton Township, Michigan and developed a passion for radio while working at her high school radio station, WSDP. After a decade of working in commercial radio across the state of Michigan (WFMK-Lansing, WTKA-Ann Arbor, WLDR-Traverse City, WHMI-Howell, WCEN-Mt. Pleasant) she decided it was time to focus on teaching a new generation.  Patty has taught at CMU in the School of Broadcast and Cinematic Arts since 1999.  She is a film buff, a television binge-watcher, a reality television expert, and an animal welfare advocate.

Recent Scholarship

Williamson, P. A. (Nov 28, 2014) "The Power of Pretty: Reappropriating the Gaze and Feminine Agency in Spring Breakers" The IAFOR North American Conference on Film, Media and Cultural Studies Official Conference Proceedings.

Williamson, P. A. (2009) "Parents Speak: Parental Utilization of and Satisfaction with the Motion Picture Association of America's Film Rating System." The Journal of Family Life.


MA: 1991, Central Michigan University
BS: 1989, Central Michigan University
​​​​ Courses Taught
Advanced Audio Production Personal Website


A 30 year career in audio production including radio production, post production, and music production. Creative services director at various radio stations including, WNEW New York, WKRK Detroit, KSTP FM Minneapolis, WWMX/WOCT Baltimore, WSNX FM/AM Grand Rapids, WWCK FM/AM Flint. General manager of, a music and sound design library owned and operated by Premiere Radio Networks, Los Angeles. Audio Engineer at RMS Sound Studios, Birmingham, MI. Owner, Freeform Audio LLC/ Adjunct instructor in mass communications at Washtenaw Community College. Freelance voice over artist.

·The Thirteenth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts – Dania, Florida.  Presented paper titled "After Forty Years the Bogeyman Comes Out of the Closet: The Influence of Val Lewton on John Carpenter's Halloween".

·Ninth Annual International Film Conference – Kent State University, Kent, Ohio.  Presented and published paper titled "A Celebration of Myth and Legend: The Revival of the Ghost Story in John Carpenter's The Fog"

·Journal of Evolutionary Psychology.  Published paper titled "On Vesperal Film and the Psyche: The Influence of Val Lewton on Jacques Torneur's Curse of the Demon".

Advisor for Moore Media Records – a student run record label.


1992 The Thirteenth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts – Dania, Florida. Presented paper titled "After Forty Years the Bogeyman Comes Out of the Closet: The Influence of Val Lewton on John Carpenter's Halloween" 1991 Ninth Annual International Film Conference – Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Presented and published paper titled "A Celebration of Myth and Legend: The Revival of the Ghost Story in John Carpenter's The Fog". 1990 Journal of Evolutionary Psychology. Published paper titled "On Vesperal Film and the Psyche: The Influence of Val Lewton on Jacques Torneur's Curse of the Demon".

MA: 2020, Central Michigan University
BA: 1992, Colorado State University
​​​​ Courses Taught
Drone Operation


Mario Caballero serves as the Video Labs Manager at BCA. This position includes supervision of the extensive equipment inventory utilized by students in the school. Equipment includes cameras, audio gear, drones, and all the supporting elements and accessories. Mario works to keep them organized and in good working condition.

Mario keeps the Moore Hall and Anspach Hall video production studios operating for multiple live studio productions each week.

He advises MHTV, the co-curricular group that produces a variety of video projects including Sports Central and Summit Sessions Live.

A 2020 graduate of the BCA master's program, Mario managed Student Media at Colorado State University for 24 years after working in commercial television production and radio in Colorado and Louisiana.