
How To Build A Blog Using Optimize Press

How To Create An Ultra Clean Landing Page Template With OptimizePress 2.0

In my previous post, I showed how to build a OptimizePress 2.0 membership site. In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to build an ultra clean OP landing page from scratch.

By the way, a landing page is a web page where you want people to land on and take a specific action. It can be either clicking a button, or fill out an opt-in form for your offer.

There're a couple of things you need to plan beforehand in order to build a nice page:

  • Page Layout:  Are you going to set up a full-width or fixed-width page
  • Typography: Font style, size, color, spacing, and etc. that you prefer
  • Row: Number of rows that you want to insert in the LiveEditor system
  • Element: List down the elements that you will be adding for each row

Click-By-Click Video Demonstration:

OptimizePress 2.0 ultra clean landing page template:

#1 Launch PageBuilder And Use The Blank Page Option: Give a name to the page, select a thumbnail; under Select Page Presets, tick Blank Page, then proceed to Step 2.

Tick Marketing Site Page as the type of page you want to create and proceed to Step 3. ChooseTemplate Style 1 – Full-Width as your overall page style, and proceed to Step 4.

Leave customization options OFF for all, then clickSave Settings & Launch Live Editor.

#2 Customize The Page Typography Settings: In the LiveEditor, clickTypography Settings (top left) and set the font-style. You can also use the "Theme Default" settings.

I usually use Open Sans font for the H1 – H3 headings, and Arial font for the usual text.

#3 Add A New Row And Edit The Row Options: In the LiveEditor, clickAdd New Row button and insert a 1 Column simple layout into the page. Click on the pencil icon:

You MUST do this for each new row you add. Under Row options:

  • Always TICK the Is it a full width row? box
  • Set the Row background color (plain, solid, or gradient)
  • Set the Top padding and Bottom padding (no. of pixels)
  • Click theUpdate button once you're done

#4 Insert The Elements You Want Within The Row: Click +Add Element button and start adding the elements that you have planned. The elements which I always used are:

  • Images: Insert an image into your landing page
  • Video Player: Add a video player on your page
  • Headline: Use for all your main and sub-headlines
  • Vertical Spacing: Add spacing between elements
  • Feature Block: Highlight the features of your offer
  • Bullet Block:  Turn your info into readable chunks
  • Button: Use for call-to-action or aid navigation
  • Testimonials: Show social proof for your offer
  • Image with Text Aside: Add text beside image
  • Optin Box: Insert an opt-in form into your page

#5 Publish Your Page And Export It As A Template: Once you are done with adding rows and elements, click Show/Hide Controls to view the layout. Publish once it is ready.

Creating Your OptimizePress 2.0 Template Via Content Templates

Then click Content Templates (top left) →Export Template. Name your template, write a brief Description, set the Category, insert Placeholder, and click theGenerate ZIP button. Once you've the .zip file, you can use the OptimizePress 2.0 template on any website!

NEW! Create a 2-step opt-in process landing page:

There you have it. Let me know in the comment section below if you find this post helpful. If you want to start building your landing pages, sales pages, and membership portals using the new OptimizePress 3.0 platform, click the banner below to find out more.

by KM Lee

KM Lee has been a self-employed geek since 2008. Currently he's working full-time from home online. You can also connect with him:

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How To Build A Blog Using Optimize Press


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